Making Posterity a Priority
Paramount Church, Jacksonville, FL
October 11-13, 2023
Full Conference ($250): Includes three meals, Wednesday dinner, Thursday lunch, Friday lunch.
Wednesday Evening ($70): Includes dinner
Thursday ($100): Includes lunch
Friday ($100): Includes lunch
**Some scholarships are available for seminarians**
Wednesday - October 11, 2023
4:00pm-6:00PM Check-in
6:00pm-8:00pm Dinner and First Plenary Session: "What We Are Doing When We Minister the Gospel" Rev. Dr. Sam Fornecker
Thursday - October 12, 2023
9:30am Morning Prayer
10:00am Breakout Sessions
- Rev. Canon Dr. Henry Jansma, "The Case for Subscription to the 39 Articles."
- Rev. Zacher Bayonne, "Church Administration and Congregation Revitalization."
11:00am Lunch Break
1:30pm Second Plenary Session: "Rumbles in the Pew, Enemies at the Gate: Two Angles on Pastoral Formation" Rev. Dr. Sam Fornecker
3:00pm Breakout Sessions
- Rev. Ben DeHart "How to be a Good Associate"
- Rev. Capt. Herb Bailey, "Evangelist Training Program"
4:15pm Evening Prayer
Friday - October 13, 2023
9:30am Morning Prayer
10:00am Breakout Session
- Seminary Deans Panel Discussion
11:00am Lunch and EFAC-USA Annual Business Meeting (All are invited)
1:00pm Third Plenary Session: "The Death of the Pastor as Counter-Catechesis" Rev. Dr. Sam Fornecker
3:15pm Evening Prayer
4:00pm Dismissal