

You’ve had the chance to get to know where the EFAC-USA Bulletin is coming from. (Have a look at the 39+ blog for a refresher.) Now, we want to spend some time discussing how we can make things happen. Download our white paper for a full discussion of what we’re thinking, but here they are […]

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Worship can never replace reality. It can foreshadow or represent it, but it is not itself the reality it represents. Why is this an important distinction to keep in mind? Because Roman and Eastern approaches to worship, where this distinction sometimes seems to blur, may result in a too sharp a divide between the spiritual and

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The finality of Christ’s atonement undermines the claims of any other mediator, be it temple, priesthood, and even church. Other mediators leave people conscious stricken. Christ leaves our consciences clean. So, why are the consciences of many Christians still guilt-ridden? First, because some may not yet be regenerated. Their religion is akin to “having a form of godliness but denying

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“Bind them… fix them,” Deuteronomy 6:8’s call to a veneration of the actual written word of God was consistent with other common religious practices in the ancient near east. Moreover, the pious act was voluntary. By contrast, the mark of the beast is a mandatory, state-decreed identifier. Both emblems are concrete, with real-world implications. Likewise, evangelical

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Hostility to the Gospel comes in two forms. Here’s how to handle both. When you preach to an unconverted congregation, you’re likely to get one of two responses: anger or incomprehension. This is because while the Word of God is inherently attractive — the creature is never so far gone that his Creator loses contact

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