Zacher Bayonne
My name is Zacher Bayonne (Zach for short). I am a Deacon who is in my final year of seminary at Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) from the Diocese of Central Florida. I am from West Palm Beach, FL, but I have been living in the DC area since 2009. Since coming to DC, I attended the University of Maryland, College Park (Go Terps!) where I studied Economics and met my lovely wife, Emily, through the Mighty Sound of Maryland Marching Band. Upon graduating college, I began my career management consulting doing financial audits, strategic human capital analysis and planning, and project management/business analysis for enterprise-wide software implementation efforts. Before entering seminary, I earned a graduate degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology while continuing to work in management consulting. In my spare time, I enjoy lifting weights, long walks, and watching way too much college football (Roll Tide!). Emily and I currently live in Old Town, Alexandria with our friendly cat, Samuel Abo-gato Jim Bayonne (Sammy for short). I am thrilled to be serving on the Board of EFAC as the Treasurer.
Richard Crocker
Rev. Richard Crocker trained for the ministry at Wycliffe Hall Oxford. After ordained service as an inner city curate and school chaplain in Birmingham, he was called to the US, and served as Rector in Iowa, as Associate Rector for Discipleship at Truro Church in Fairfax, VA, and as Rector of St James Anglican Church in Newport Beach, CA. He spent two years as General Secretary of EFAC-Global, and assisted with its relaunch. He is now teaching at a Christian School in Fairfax, VA, having been awarded the Doctor of Ministry degree from Trinity School for Ministry. His interests include Biblical preaching, effective discipleship, church planting, and liturgy with an evangelical perspective. He is married to scientist and author Dr. Caroline Crocker, and they have four children and six grandchildren.
Jake Dell
The Rev. Jacob W. Dell is Priest-in-Charge at St. Peter's Church Lithgow, Millbrook, New York. Mr. Dell obtained his undergraduate degree in History from Yale University, and attended seminary at Nashotah House Theological Seminary. He has held positions at the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church (2011-2015), the Chaplain Corps, United States Navy Reserve (2013-2021), and at Holy Trinity Church Inwood, in Manhattan, as Vicar and Priest-in-Charge (2015-2020). He is married to his wife, Sasha, and they have five children between them.
Eric Hornbuckle
The Rev. Eric W. Hornbuckle is Rector at Church of the Word Anglican Church, Gainesville, VA (2018-present). Eric obtained his undergraduate degree in Classics from the University of Virginia, and attended seminary at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Eric is pursuing a Masters of Sacred Theology at Trinity Anglican School for Ministry. He has served as Assistant Priest at Truro Anglican Church, Fairfax, VA (2007-2016), and as Associate Vicar at St. Stephen’s Church, Tonbridge, Kent, Church of England (2016-2017).