
The Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion – USA (EFAC-USA) is not new, and many of you are not new to it, but the Bulletin is new, and, along with our white paper, part of an ongoing effort to position EFAC-USA as the “go to” for Evangelical Anglicans in U.S. churches.

In response to our white paper, some of you have asked, “Why do we need EFAC when we now have GAFCON, the ACNA, etc.?” Others have even gone so far as to wonder, “Can anything good come out of Anglicanism at all?”

These are fair questions.

In the USA, our chapter became defunct during and after the Anglican Realignment, but, in recent years, it’s been revived. That’s because we have discovered that a lot of us are still here, whether in The Episcopal Church or the Anglican Church in North America, or another jurisdiction. If you ask us, that’s a miracle of grace.

We think the message of EFAC-USA for this moment is: there is a future for your faith. To the extent that the Anglican tradition is corban, so be it. To the extent that the future of our faith awaits the eschaton, even so, come Lord Jesus!

It was Archbishop Temple who called the the Church of England provisional. EFAC may prove to be that too, but, for now, it offers something important.

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